墨西哥开始接种中国科兴新冠疫苗 综合消息:突尼斯变异新冠病毒系本土演化而来 中东多国加快疫苗接种进程 长春大众卓越女足昆明集中 开启第二阶段冬训备战新赛季 “春风行动”全面启动 研考初试成绩本月陆续发布 长春市文庙博物馆将举办元宵节线上公益文化活动 美失业率上升“新穷人”领救济 记者探访救济食品分发站 起步就是冲刺!牛年伊始长春多个项目火热开工! 吉林省全力抓好煤矿安全生产监管 全国大部分农区陆续忙碌起来 田间地头一派生机盎然 3天3夜跑了500公里!成都大叔完成极限超跑挑战 4天致8次高铁晚点:铁路部门提醒放风筝远离铁路电力网 26日天宇见证浪漫一幕:"元宵月"巧遇"黄帝星" 猜灯谜、做灯笼 长春市图书馆“闹春图”元宵节系列活动来了 重庆返岗复工农民工达260余万人 返岗率逾六成 美国新冠肺炎死亡人数超50万 超一战二战和越战美阵亡者总和 第五届联合国环境大会召开 中方呼吁采取全球行动应对环境问题 机场“逐鸟人”:黑脸蛋是我们的“标配” 吉林省人社厅发布通知,2021年社会保险缴费有新变化! 伊朗最高领袖:如有需要或将浓缩铀丰度提高至60% 国资委:支持央企加快国有资本的布局优化和结构调整 亚泰广州冬训先“瘦身”再“增肌” 内外援引进工作将全面展开 零距离!揭开天问一号火星环绕器神秘面纱 洮南:强化政务大厅疫情防控 确保群众办事安全 谭德塞:全球各地都进行新冠疫苗接种符合所有国家的利益 智利累计新冠确诊病例超80万例 外企看中国丨专访IBM大中华区首席执行官:我们期待在中国“云”端舞出新姿 嫦娥五号带回月壤 3月将在国家博物馆展出 牛年元宵节 十六月最圆 利益联结产业链上游,伊利全面助力东北地区乡村振兴 春节假期后文旅新风尚 开春如何玩得更尽兴? 长春新区:打造“升级版”营商环境 省运管局指导各地全面有序恢复道路旅客运输服务 游客捞取泉池内硬币引发争议 趵突泉景区回应 一派生机盎然!湖北武汉:开启“全城赏花”模式 澳大利亚学者认为比特币价值被高估 北京汤圆元宵抽检全合格 温馨提示:带冰霜的别买 刚果(金)总统谴责联合国车队遇袭事件 湖南两名男子爆竹炸6条小鱼被取保候审 同时段播放全国第一,实时收视率破1!电视剧《鲜花盛开的山村》,不一样的乡村戏! 挂着名校牌子,收费高,却很孬!有名无实的“冠名办校”值得警惕 联合国人权理事会第46届会议昨日开幕 中方代表发表视频致辞 注意!吉林省这5批次食品不合格! 非洲新冠确诊超383万例 多国持续推进疫苗接种 吉林省退役军人事务厅发布“清明•致敬英雄”主题征文、摄影征集评选活动的公告 @吉林人,坚持完今天,24日气温将回升了! 推动两国关系重回正轨 女童海洋公园爬凳摔伤 脸缝4针 家长要求园方赔偿合理吗? 为中国疫苗投下信任票 多国领导人“带头”接种 海外网评:50万条逝去的生命,美国无法治愈之痛
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2020-10-15 16:21:33来源:国家公务员局官方网站

















A.消费物价指数 B.生产物价指数

C.GDP平均指数 D.交易价格指数




A.外部因素的变动 B.乘数作用

C.加速数作用 D.乘数和加速数交织作用




A.公开型通货膨胀 B.隐蔽型通货膨胀

C.抑制型通货膨胀 D.温和型通货膨胀




There is much discussion today about whether economic growth is desirable. At an earlier period, our desire for material wealth may have been justified. Now, however, this desire for more than we need is causing serious problems. Even though we have good intentions, we may be producing too much, too fast.

Those who criticize economic growth argue that we must slow down. They believe that the society is approaching certain limits on growth. These include the fixed supply of natural resources, the possible negative effects of industry on the natural environment, and the continuing increase in the world’s population. As the society reaches these limits, economic growth can no longer continue, and the quality of life may decline.

People who want more economic growth, on the other hand, argue that even at present growth rate there are still many poor people in the world. These proponents of economic growth believe that only more growth can create the capital needed to improve the quality of life in the world. Furthermore, they argue that only continued growth can provide the financial resources required to protect our natural surroundings from industrialization.

This debate over the desirability of continued economic growth is of vital importance to business and industry. If those who argue against economic growth are correct, the problems they mention cannot be ignored. To find a solution, economists and business community must pay attention to these problems and continue discussing them with one another.

1.According to those who criticize economic growth, which of the following is NOT the reason that might cause economic growth to slow down?

A.Our natural surroundings are in danger of being destroyed by industry.

B.The fixed supply of natural resources marks a point beyond which growth cannotcontinue.

C.The world’s population is ever increasing.

D.More efforts are made to improve the quality of our life.


2.Those who want more economic growth believe that continued economic growth_________.

A.is essential to the well-being of the society as a whole

B.can provide the solution to all of our social problems today

C.can never protect our environment from being polluted by industry

D.can provide us with more natural resources for industrialization


3.The underlined word “proponents” most probably mean_________.

A.arguments in support of something

B.disagreements on something

C.people who argue for something

D.people who argue against something


4.The passage is mainly about_________.

A.the contradiction between economists and business community

B.the present debate on economic growth

C.the advantages and disadvantages of economic growth

D.the importance of the debate on economic growth


5.We may infer from the passage that_________.

A.the author describes the case as it is

B.the author is for economic growth

C.the author is against continued economic growth

D.the author is not worried about the problems caused by economic growth




