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2022-12-02 15:33:59来源:LearningYard学苑


When we come to the university, most of our parents’ monthly or weekly living expenses allow us to have our own power to manage money. This seems to be a good thing and can cultivate the financial independence of college students, but the real situation is really as we expected. Is it equally good? In fact, many college students do not even make reasonable financial planning, and they have become "borrowers" and are burdened with debts. In response to this phenomenon, I would like to share my financial management knowledge with you all over the university.





1. Cultivate the awareness of financial management.

(1) Awareness of regular savings. Store the remaining living expenses to the maximum extent you can afford.

(2) Consciousness of reasonable consumption

(3) Awareness of planning and accounting. In the first month of financial management, record the amount and purpose of the money you spend every day, wait until the end of the month to clear the accounts, classify the expenses, small meals, dinners, clothing and other aspects, so that you can roughly plan your personal monthly Expenses in all aspects. With this general plan, it is necessary to strictly control all aspects of expenditure in each subsequent month, so that it will not even be overspend, and there will be more money left.






2. Try to buy wealth management products.

When it comes to investment and financial management, stocks may be the first thing many people think of. , Still try not to choose stocks for investment.

When college students buy wealth management products, they prefer currency funds and bond funds. The typical representative of currency funds is Yu'ebao. It has high liquidity and at the same time, the yield is higher than the interest rate of bank demand deposits, and there is basically no risk. A type fund classified as a currency fund will have certain risks, but its product returns are relatively stable. This type of fund is more suitable for long-term holding and has higher returns. The risk will be greatly increased.

The investment direction of stock funds is stocks, which is equivalent to looking for an agent, that is, a fund manager, to help you buy stocks and gain income. Bear the loss of property.

In addition to a one-time purchase, fund fixed investment is also a financial management method to obtain stable income. It is invested in an open-end fund at a fixed amount of time at a fixed time. This investment method is very suitable for college students who do not have a lot of funds. . As far as I am concerned, I think that we can use sound financial management as our main investment direction when investing, and if we do have spare capacity, we can test high-risk products such as stocks with losses that we can accept. In this way, we can obtain stable income while preserving the principal, and learn more financial management knowledge.


