889. listed stock 上市股票
890. livestock transaction tax 牲畜交易税
891. loan account 贷款帐户
892. loan amount 贷款额
893. loan at call 拆放
894. loan bank 放款银行
895. loan volume 贷款额
896. loan-deposit ratio 存放款比率
897. loans to financial institutions 金融机构贷款
898. loans to government 政府贷款
899. local bank 地方银行
900. local income tax (local surtax) 地方所得税
901. local surtax 地方附加税
902. local tax 地方税
903. long arbitrage 多头套利
904. long position 多头头寸
905. long position 多头寸;买进的期货合同
906. long-term certificate of deposit 长期存款单
907. long-term credit bank 长期信用银行
908. long-term finance 长期资金融通
909. loss leader 特价商品,亏损大项
910. loss of profits insurance 收益损失保险
911. loss on exchange 汇兑损失
912. low-currency dumping 低汇倾销
913. low-currency dumping 低汇倾销
914. M/T (= Mail Transfer) 信汇
915. main bank 主要银行
916. maintenance margin 最低保证金,维持保证金
917. major market index 主要市场指数
918. management risk 管理风险
919. managing bank of a syndicate 财团的经理银行
920. manipulation 操纵
921. margin 保证金
922. margin call 保证金通知
923. margin call 追加保证金的通知
924. margin money 预收保证金,开设信用证保证金
925. margin rate 保证金率
926. markdown 跌价
927. market discount rate 市场贴现率
928. market expectations 市场预期
929. market makers 造市者
930. market order 市价订单
931. market risk 市场风险
932. marketability 流动性
933. market-clearing 市场结算
934. Master card 万事达卡
935. matching 搭配
936. mature liquid contracts 到期合约
937. maximum limit of overdraft 透支额度
938. measures for monetary ease 金融缓和措施
939. medium rate 中间汇率
940. medium-term finance 中期金融
941. member bank 会员银行
942. Million card 百万卡
943. minimum cash requirements 最低现金持有量(需求)
944. minimum reserve ratio 法定最低准备比率
945. mint parity 法定平价
946. monetary action 金融措施
947. monetary aggregates 货币流通额
948. monetary and credit control 货币信用管理
949. monetary and financial crisis 货币金融危机
950. monetary area 货币区
951. monetary assets 货币性资产
952. monetary base 货币基础
953. monetary circulation 货币流通
954. monetary device 金融调节手段
955. monetary ease 银根松动
956. monetary market 金融市场
957. monetary market 金融市场
958. monetary risk 货币风险
959. monetary stringency 银根奇紧
960. monetary unit 货币单位
961. money capital 货币资本
962. money collector 收款人
963. money credit 货币信用
964. money down 付现款
965. money equivalent 货币等价
966. money paid on account 定金
967. money-flow analysis 货币流量分析
968. money-over-money leases 货币加成租赁
969. moral hazard 道德风险
970. mortgage bank 抵押银行
971. motor vehicle and highway user tax 机动车和公路使用税
972. movables all risks insurance 动产综合保险
973. movables insurance 动产保险
974. multinational bank 跨国银行
975. multiunit 公寓楼
976. mutual insurance company 相互保险公司
977. national bank 国家银行
978. nationalized bank 国有化银行
979. near money 准货币
980. nearby contracts 近期合约
981. nearby futures 近期期货
982. nearby risks 近期风险
983. negotiability 流通性
984. negotiating bank 议付银行
985. nesting 配套
986. net settlement status 净结算状况,净结算头寸
987. neutral money 中介货币
988. neutrality of the central bank 中央银行的中立性
989. nominal account 名义帐户
990. nominal deposit 名义存款
991. non-member bank 非会员银行
992. non-resident account 非居民存款
993. notional principal 名义本金
994. notional sum 名义金额
995. off-balance-sheet 表外业务
996. offer rate 卖出汇率
997. official borrowing 政府借款
998. official devaluation 法定贬值
999. official rate (of exchange) 官方汇价
1000. official short-term credit 官方短期信用
1001. offset reserve 坏帐准备金
1002. on a discount basis (以)折价形式
1003. open account business (= open account trade)赊帐交易
1004. open an account 开户
1005. open fair transaction tax 集市交易税
1006. open market 公开市场
1007. open market operation 公开市场业务
1008. open market policy 公开市场政策
1009. open mortgage 可资抵押
1010. open negotiation 公开议付
1011. open outcry 公开喊价,公开叫价
1012. open policy 预约保单
1013. open position (期货交易中的)头寸
1014. open positions 敞口头寸
1015. open-ended 开口的,无限制的,无限度的
1016. opening order 开市价订单
1017. operating bank 营业银行
1018. operating cash flow 营运现金流(量)
1019. operating lease 经营租赁
1020. operating leases 操作租赁
1021. operating risk 经营风险
1022. operation account 交易帐户
1023. option 期权,选择权,买卖权
1024. option buyer 期权的买方
1025. option fee (=option premium or premium o期权费
1026. option purchase price 期权的购进价格
1027. option seller 期权的卖方
1028. options on futures contract 期货合同的期权交易
1029. ordinary bank 普通银行
1030. ordinary deposit 普通存款
1031. ordinary time deposit 普通定期存款
1032. our bank 开户银行
1033. out-of-the-money 无内在价值的期权
1034. output-capital ratio 产出与资本的比率
1035. outright position 单笔头寸
1036. outward documentary bill for collection 出口跟单汇票,出口押汇
1037. outward remittance 汇出汇款
1038. over-loan position 贷款超额
1039. overnight call loan 日拆
1040. overseas bank 海外银行
1041. overseas branches 国外分行
1042. oversold 超卖
1043. over-the-counter 场外的,买卖双方直接交易的,不通过交易所交易的
1044. over-the-counter (OTC) option 场外交易市场
1045. overvalued 估价过高
1046. Pacific card 太平洋卡
1047. package policy 一揽子保险
1048. painting the tape 粉饰行情
1049. pairing 配对
1050. parking 寄售
1051. partial assignment 部分转让
1052. parties to a collection 托收各当事人
1053. pawn 典当
1054. pay up 付清,缴清
1055. payee or beneficiary 受款人,收款人,受益人
1056. paying bank 付款银行
1057. paying bank 汇入行,付款行
1058. payment facilities 支付服务设施
1059. payment of account 预付金
1060. payment of exchange 结汇
1061. payment reserve 支付准备
1062. payment risks 支付风险
1063. payroll tax 薪金税
1064. pegging 固定汇率
1065. permanent capital 永久性资本
1066. personal account 个人帐户
1067. personal deposit 私人存款
1068. personal loans 个人贷款
1069. petty current deposit 小额活期存款
1070. petty insurance 小额保险
1071. place an order 订购;下单
1072. plastic card 塑料卡
1073. Po card 牡丹卡
1074. point of delivery 交割地点
1075. policy of discount window 窗口指导政策
1076. political risk 政治风险
1077. poor for insurance 风险大的保险户
1078. popularity bank 庶民银行
1079. position 头寸;交易部位;部位
1080. post 过帐;登入总帐
1081. postal remittance 邮政汇款
1082. postal savings 邮政储蓄
1083. pre-credit risk 信贷前风险
1084. predetermined 预先约定的
1085. premium 期权费
1086. premium 期权权利金
1087. premium for lease 租赁保证金
1088. premium rate 保险费率
1089. premium rates 优惠率
1090. premium tariff 保险费率表
1091. present discount value 贴现现值
1092. presenting bank 提示银行
1093. prevailing rate 现行汇率
1094. price discovery 价格发现
1095. primary insurance 基本险
1096. principal 本金
1097. principal 本金
1098. principal (= drawer,consignor) 委托人
1099. principal and interest 本利
1100. principals (stockholders) 股东
1101. privately owned enterprise income tax 私营企业所得税
1102. product tax 产品税
1103. productivity risk 产量风险
1104. profit and loss accounts 损益帐户
1105. profit or loss on exchange 外汇买卖损益
1106. profit taking 获利回吐
1107. progressive taxation 累进税
1108. property 物业
1109. property assets 不动产
1110. property company 房地产公司
1111. property insurance 财产保险
1112. property taxes 财产税
1113. property under construction 楼花
1114. property value 房产价
1115. proposal form 投保单
1116. proposal of insurance 要保书
1117. proprietary 自有资产
1118. proprietary insurance 营业保险
1119. prospectus 募资说明书
1120. protective tariffs 保护性关税
1121. provident fund 准备基金
1122. provisional account 临时帐户
1123. proxy 代理委托证书
1124. public audit 公开审计
1125. public deposit 政府存款
1126. public money 公款
1127. pure interest 纯利息
1128. put (option) 卖方期权,看跌期权
1129. put-options 认售期权
1130. quality risks 质量风险
1131. quantity risks 数量风险
1132. ransom 赎金
1133. rate of deposit turnover 存款周转率
1134. rate of depreciation 折旧率
1135. ratio of cash reserves to deposits 存款支付准备率
1136. ratio of cash reserves to deposits 存款支付准备率
1137. ratio of cash reserves to deposits 存款支付准备率
1138. ratio of doubtful loans to total loans 坏帐比率
1139. ratio of profit to capital 收益同资本的比率
1140. rationing of exchange 外汇配售
1141. real estate 不动产
1142. real estate and personal property tax 不动产和动产税
1143. real estate brokerage services 不动产经纪业务
1144. real estate investment trust 不动产投资信托公司
1145. real estate loans 不动产贷款
1146. real estate mortgage 不动产抵押
1147. real estate mortgage bonds 不动产抵押债券
1148. real estate tax 不动产税
1149. reciprocal reinsurance 互惠互保
1150. red balance 赤字差额
1151. red balance 赤字差额
1152. red balance 赤字差额
1153. rediscount bank 再贴现银行
1154. rediscount policy 再贴现政策
1155. reexchange 回汇、退汇
1156. registration fee 注册费
1157. related documents 有关单据
1158. remit vt. 传寄,汇寄,送
1159. remittance bank 汇款银行
1160. remittance by draft 汇票汇款
1161. remittance charges 汇费
1162. remittance n. 汇款
1163. remitter n. 汇款人
1164. remitting bank 汇出银行
1165. remitting bank 汇出行,汇款行
1166. remitting bank (= entrusting bank) 托收行
1167. repressed inflation 抑制性通货膨胀
1168. requesting bank 委托开证银行
1169. required reserve ratio 法定准备率
1170. reserve account 准备金帐户
1171. reserve deposit 准备存款
1172. reserve financing 累积融资
1173. reserve margin 准备金比率
1174. reserve ratio 法定存款准备金比率
1175. reserve requirements 法定存款准备金
1176. reserving bank 储备银行
1177. resistance 阻挡区
1178. resource tax 资源税
1179. restrictive lending policy 贷款紧缩政策
1180. restrictive monetary policy 紧缩通货膨胀
1181. retail transaction 零售交易
1182. retaliatory tariff 报复性关税
1183. revenue account 收入帐户
1184. reversal 反转
1185. revise the repay and condition 已定的细则
1186. rigged market 受操纵的市场
1187. right of pledge 质权
1188. risk (or risk-bearing) capital 承担风险的资本
1189. risk adjusted return 风险调整报酬率
1190. risk analysis 风险分析
1191. risk analysis 风险分析
1192. risk assets 冒风险的资产
1193. risk assets 风险资产
1194. risk decision 风险性决策
1195. risk fund 风险基金
1196. risk guaranty 风险担保
1197. risk hedge 风险保值
1198. risk hedging instruments 风险保值工具
1199. risk losses 风险损失
1200. risk management 风险管理
1201. risk minimization 风险减至最小限度
1202. risk money (出纳员)短款补贴
1203. risk premium 风险补贴,风险溢价
1204. risk prevention 风险防范
1205. risk project 风险项目
1206. risk protection 风险保护
1207. risk ratio 风险率
1208. risk transfer 风险转移
1209. risk transformation 风险转移
1210. risk/venture capital 风险资本
1211. risk-adjusted discount rate 风险调整折现率
1212. risk-covering insurance 风险保险
1213. risk-return characteristics 风险与收益特性
1214. risks contribution 风险分摊
1215. risk-taking company 风险企业
1216. risky cost 风险成本
1217. risky investment 风险投资
1218. risky loans 有风险贷款
1219. risky reserve 风险储备
1220. risky revenue 风险收入
1221. run on a bank 银行挤兑
1222. safe deposit facilities 保险箱业务
1223. safety deposit boxes 保管箱
1224. sale and leaseback agreement 出售资产与回租安排
1225. sale of property 出售物业
1226. sales tax 销售税
1227. sales taxes 销售税
1228. salt tax 盐税
1229. saving account (S.A.) 储蓄帐户
1230. savings accounts 储蓄存款帐户
1231. savings and loan association 储蓄与放款合作协会
1232. savings and loan share accounts 储蓄贷款协会的股金券
1233. savings bank 储蓄银行
1234. savings deposit 储蓄存款
1235. scientific research unit bonus tax 科研单位奖金税
1236. screen (stocks) 选股
1237. securities brokerage services 证券经纪业务
1238. securities underwriting services 证券承销业务
1239. security bond 保付单
1240. security for an obligation 债权担保
1241. seek a market 寻求入市机会
1242. self-liquidated loans 自偿性商业贷款
1243. self-owned capital ratio 自有资本比率
1244. sell forward 远期卖出
1245. seller"s risks 卖方风险
1246. selling bank 卖方银行
1247. selling risk 销售风险
1248. settlement 交割
1249. settlement price 结算价格
1250. shifting risk 转嫁风险,转移风险
1251. shipping tonnage duty 船舶吨税
1252. short arbitrage 空头套利
1253. short position 空头
1254. short purchase 买空,空头补进
1255. short rate 短期汇率
1256. short seller 卖空者
1257. shortage of financial resources 财源短缺
1258. short-lived securities 短期有效证券
1259. short-term deposits 短期存款
1260. short-term funds 短期资金
1261. shunting (美)套利、套汇
1262. side-work bank 兼业银行
1263. simple interest 单利
1264. single exchange rate 单一汇率
1265. sinking fund 偿债基金
1266. slack of finance 银根松缓
1267. slaughtering tax 屠宰税
1268. sliding peg (汇率)滑动钉住
1269. small business finance 中小企业融资
1270. small leases 小型租赁
1271. small-order automatic system 小额定单执行系统
1272. social security payments 支付社会保障金
1273. socialized medical insurance 社会医疗保险
1274. soft currency 软币
1275. solicitor"s fee 律师费
1276. source of finance 融资渠道
1277. special bank 特殊银行
1278. special consumption tax (special consumer tax)特别消费税
1279. special deposit 特种存款
1280. special finance 特别融资
1281. special fuel oil tax 烧油特别税
1282. special regulation tax 专项调节税
1283. specialized foreign exchange bank 外汇专业银行
1284. specific insurance 特殊保险
1285. speculating risks 投机风险
1286. speculation 投机
1287. speculation in stock 股票投机
1288. speculation on foreign exchange 外汇投机
1289. spot and forward prices 即期与远期价格
1290. spot exchange 现汇
1291. spot exchange rate 单方面外汇买卖
1292. spot exchange transactions 即期外汇业务
1293. spot rate of exchange 即期外汇汇率
1294. spread 差额,利差,利润幅度
1295. spread between domestic and overseas int 国内外利润差额
1296. square position 差额轧平(未抵冲的外汇买卖余额的轧平状况)
1297. stagflation 滞胀
1298. stamp duty 印花税
1299. stamp tax 印花税
1300. state-owned enterprise bonus tax 国营企业奖金税
1301. state-owned enterprise income tax 国营企业所得税
1302. state-owned enterprise regulation tax 国营企业调节税
1303. state-owned enterprise wages regulation 国营企业工资调节税
1304. status inquiry 信用状况调查
1305. sticky deal 棘手交易
1306. stock index futures 股票指数期货
1307. stock index futures contract 股票指数期货合约
1308. stock indexes 股票指数
1309. stock wrap 股市行情
1310. stockpile financing 储存融资
1311. stop-gap fund 临时通融资金
1312. strike price 协定价格
1313. subaccount 公帐户
1314. sublease 转租,分租
1315. subrogated right 代位求偿
1316. subscription 认股书
1317. subsidy account 补助金帐户
1318. sum-of-the-years" digits method of depre年数总和折旧法
1319. sundry account 杂项帐户
1320. surrender of exchange 移存外汇
1321. surtax 附加税
1322. swap position 调期汇率头寸
1323. swap rate 掉期率
1324. swing 变动(幅度),摆动,涨落
1325. symmetry 对称
1326. syndicate leases 银团租赁
1327. synthetic financial futures position 综合金融期货头寸
1328. synthetic options 合成期权
1329. T/T (= Telegraphic Transfer) 电汇
1330. tariff 关税
1331. tax anticipation note (bill,bond) 预付税金票据,先期缴税债券
1332. tax avoidance 避免
1333. tax base 征税基础
1334. tax code 税法
1335. tax collection 税收制度
1336. tax concession 赋税优惠
1337. tax credit leases 减税租赁
1338. tax evasion 逃税
1339. tax grades 征税级距
1340. tax holiday 免税期
1341. tax on transport 运输税
1342. tax relief 税收减免
1343. tax statutes 税收法
1344. taxable 可征税的,应纳税的
1345. taxing power 税收能力,课税能力
1346. technology risk 技术风险
1347. telegraphic transfer (T/T) 电汇
1348. telephone transfers 电话转帐
1349. tell quel exchange rate 调整汇率
1350. teller"s window (= teller" station) 出纳窗口
1351. temporary bridging finance 临时融资
1352. tender bond 投标保证金
1353. tender n. 货币,投、招标,提供,偿付
1354. terms of loan 放款条件
1355. the additional insured 附加被保险人
1356. the capacity of a tax 税收负担
1357. the Construction Bank of China 中国建设银行
1358. the Gilts 金边债券
1359. the International Trust and Investment C中国国际信托投资公司
1360. the open interest 未结清权益
1361. the People"s Bank of China 中国人民银行
1362. the rate structure of the tax 税率结构
1363. thrift encouragement 储蓄鼓励
1364. tight market 旺市
1365. time lag 时滞
1366. time order 限时订单
1367. time-deposit accounts 定期存款帐户
1368. to be hedging 进行套做保值
1369. to defuse (attempted monopoly positions) 冲破(形成的市场垄断状况)
1370. total foreign exchange 外汇收支总额
1371. total FX portfolio 外汇投资总额
1372. total loss 全损
1373. total loss of part 部分全损
1374. total loss only 全损赔偿险
1375. trade claim 商业索赔
1376. trade risk 交易风险
1377. trading pit 交易场
1378. transaction exposure 交易风险
1379. transactions costs 交易费用
1380. transfer n. 转让,划拨,转帐
1381. transfer to reserve account 转到准备金帐户
1382. transferable money 可转帐货币
1383. translation exposure 转换风险
1384. transmitting bank 转证银行
1385. transnational leases 跨国租赁
1386. traveller"s letter of credit 旅行信用证
1387. trust bank 信托银行
1388. trust fund 信托基金
1389. trust leases 信托租赁
1390. trust services 信托业务
1391. trustee bank 受托银行
1392. turnover of account receivable 应收帐款周转率
1393. turnover ratio of working capital 流动资本周转率
1394. two-tier exchange rate 双重汇率
1395. ultimate borrower 最终借款人
1396. ultra-cheap money policy 超低息政策
1397. unbalance finance 赤字财政
1398. uncovered interest arbitrage 未担保利率套利
1399. underinsurance 保险不足
1400. underinsured 保额不足
1401. underlying securities 标的证券
1402. undertaking unit bonus tax 事业单位奖金税
1403. underwriter 承销商
1404. underwriter 保险承受人
1405. underwriting 承保
1406. underwriting account 保险帐户
1407. underwriting limit 承保限额
1408. underwriting profit 承保利益
1409. unemployed capital 游资
1410. unexpired insurance 未过期保险
1411. uninscribed deposit 不记名存款
1412. unissued stock 未发行股票
1413. unlimited guarantee 无限责任担保
1414. unwind a trade 清理交易
1415. up-front fee 预付费用,先期费用
1416. urban house and land tax 市房地产税
1417. urban maintenance and construction tax 城市维护建设税
1418. V.A.T(Value Added Tax) 增值税
1419. value added tax 增值税
1420. value date 起息日
1421. valuer 估价行
1422. variation margin 盈亏保证金,变动保证
1423. vehicle and vessel licence use tax 车船使用牌照税
1424. vehicle and vessel use tax 车船使用税
1425. Visa card 维萨卡
1426. volatile 易变的,不稳定的
1427. volatile market 不稳定的市场行情
1428. voluntary conveyance 无偿转让
1429. voluntary savings 自愿储蓄
1430. warehousing 非法回购
1431. warrant money 保证金
1432. weak market 弱市
1433. withdrawal from circulation (货币)回笼
1434. withdrawal of bank notes 钞票回笼
1435. withdrawal of funds 资金回收
1436. withholding income tax 预提所得税
1437. withholding tax 预提税
1438. working balance 周转余额,往来余额
1439. working budget 流动预算,经营预算,周转预算,业务预算
1440. world bank 世界银行
1441. write 签发,签署,承保,编写
1442. zero-sum game 一方得益引起另一方相应受损的游戏;零和竞赛