我国经济第二季度的发展「专家 中国第二季度经济仍将保持较好增长态势」 华泰证券减持公告「华安证券被收购的最新消息」 2020年12月14日股市行情「9月2日证券交易所」 上半年基金亏了6350亿 你还想着赚大钱吗怎么回事「买基金亏了十五万」 英国发行负收益率国债「英国国债」 发行债券支持扶贫「全面脱贫」 040022华安可转债债券a基金「汇添富转债c」 猪价继续上涨大概率事件,猪肉板块今年以来涨幅超80%「环比涨幅什么意思」 金融服务实体经济质效提升措施「金融助力企业提质增效」 可转债申购测评「近期可转债申购一览表」 关于p2p爆雷后国家制定的十一项措施「货币锚」 金鹰技术领先灵活配置混合a净值「金鹰内需成长混合A」 可转债申购建议「怎样提高可转债申购中签率」 金地集团发债「地方债券」 fof好吗「踩坑啥意思」 比特币是否能克制当前的通货膨胀呢?「比特币抗通胀」 美国债务突破28亿「中国为何买那么多美债」 初学者投资「基金投资经验」 可转债无风险套利「可转债打新风险」 大秦发债投资价值「永创转债」 购买美国国债损失「德国外债」 预制菜好不好「预制菜品」 债权债务转让规定「实际施工人转让工程款债权」 简牛理财课「功能关系公式」 申请私募牌照的人员条件「申请私募基金牌照」 美国加息为何中国降息「美元加息中国应对」 公司债新政策「新债规则」 成长型基金强调为投资者带来经常性收益「指数基金投资从入门到精通」 qdii债券基金「年底债基金吗」 福建省政府债券发行「债务」 下半年板块投资机会「三大方向」 东北特钢债券最终处理结果「凌钢转债股吧」 2019年会计资格考试《中级会计实务》试题「中级会计2021年真题」 辽宁组建城商行「山东地方债」 银行那么有钱 为啥还老发债呢「天天被银行催债怎么办」 中级会计职工薪酬及借款费用「会计实务 职工薪酬及借款费用习题」 新城 债务「债券回售条款」 2021年上半年越南经济「股市2021展望」 资产减值准备明细表在哪里「账务报表」 可转债获批后股价暴跌「可转债转股对股价影响」 正股价格上涨可转债价格应该下跌「正股下跌,可转债上涨,怎么回事」 周末市场消息「每日信息」 周末股市消息「周四股市」 美航未来4年将斥资84亿美元购买飞机型号「全美航空」 00150金融理论与实务2020年8月真题答案「00150金融理论与实务」 风险与收益并存 债券市场上半年还有哪些机会 「风险与收益并存的投资」 什么是棚改债「政府专项债属于政府债务吗」 加息对中资美元债发行成本影响的测算方法「银行加息对债券影响」 紫金银行可转债上市「紫金银行发行可转债」 现在理财什么产品好「高回报的理财产品」
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我国经济第二季度的发展「专家 中国第二季度经济仍将保持较好增长态势」

2022-12-13 18:53:39来源:中国日报网


Staff members make industrial robots in a precision machinery company in Yantai, East China"s Shandong province on June 8, 2022. [Photo/VCG]

China will likely post positive economic growth in the second quarter of the year, and growth is projected to pick up in June with the gradual resumption of work and production, according to economists and analysts.


They said policymakers will introduce more policy easing such as stronger support for infrastructure, more supplementary fiscal relief and a lowering of banks" actual lending rates to cushion the impact of COVID-19 and stabilize overall growth in the coming months.


Their comments came as China"s producer prices rose in May at their slowest rate since March 2021, as the government took steps to coordinate COVID-19 control measures with economic development and stabilize industrial and supply chains in key sectors, leaving room for more policy stimulus to shore up the economy.


Zhong Zhengsheng, chief economist at Ping An Securities, said the economy is gradually returning to normal, and China will likely see positive growth in the second quarter as the impact of the pandemic gradually eases and the government implements more measures to stabilize growth.


"For China"s economy, the worst moment might be over, and the country"s economic recovery is expected to accelerate in June," Zhong said.


China"s producer price index, which gauges factory-gate prices, increased 6.4 percent year-on-year in May, following an 8 percent rise in the previous month, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Friday.


China"s consumer price index, the main gauge of inflation, rose 2.1 percent year-on-year in May, unchanged from April, the NBS data showed.


Lu Ting, chief China economist at Nomura, said both PPI and CPI inflation for May were largely in line with market expectations and his team expects PPI inflation to trend down and CPI inflation to rise modestly.


"Due to weak demand, supply disruptions in China since early March as a result of the resurgence of COVID-19 have not led to a rapid rise in domestic inflation," Lu added.


In fact, compared with soaring prices in other major economies, China"s overall price level is within a controllable range. The inflation hit a new 40-year high in May in the United States, as the CPI rose 8.6 percent year-on-year, the US Labor Department data showed on Friday.


Wen Bin, chief researcher at China Minsheng Bank, said China"s overall inflation level is generally controllable, suggesting that the nation has room to step up macro policy support.


Warning of downward pressure facing China"s economy, Wen said the government needs to forcefully implement macro policies to stabilize growth and ensure economic growth within a reasonable range in the second quarter. More efforts should also be made to boost credit supply to the real economy, ensure supplies and stable prices, and prevent imported inflation risks.


The State Council recently unveiled a total of 33 measures covering fiscal, financial, investment, consumption and industrial policies to further stabilize the economy.


China"s credit expansion improved in May as the impact of the pandemic gradually eased. The increment in aggregate social financing-the total amount of financing to the real economy-was 2.79 trillion yuan ($420 billion) in May, up 839.9 billion yuan compared with the same period last year, the People"s Bank of China, the country"s central bank, said on Friday.


Monetary conditions have been loosened as China"s broad money supply, or M2, stood at 252.7 trillion yuan as of the end of May, up 11.1 percent year-on-year. The growth rate is 0.6 points higher than a month earlier, the central bank said.


Looking ahead, Robin Xing, Morgan Stanley"s chief China economist, said policymakers may introduce more pandemic fiscal relief or bring forward some 2023 construction bond quotas to this year.




